
Home Maternity



Pregnancy is an experience that can be made more comfortable with the right medical guidance and emotional support. Whether you are planning to get pregnant for the first time or would like to try again for a baby, get all the support that you need in the form of advice, tests, counseling, and procedures at Destination Women’s Clinic. We put in sincere efforts to take care of you at the pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and the post-pregnancy stages.

  • Pre Pregnancy Counselling
  • Management of High Risk Pregnancy
  • Management of Twins / Triplet Pregnancy
  • Screening and confirmation of Chromosomal disorders in Pregnancy ( Double marker / Triple marker / Quadruple Test / NIPT / Amniocentesis  Tests )
  • Asthma &Heart Diseases in Pregnancy
  • Detailed OB/GYNUltrasound, 3D/4D Ultrasound
  • Delivery – Normal / Caesarean section / Painless Delivery / Forcep / Vacuum Delivery
  • Bad Obstetrics History ( BOH ) (Recurrent Miscarriage / Preterm Labour / Previous still birth)
  • Presentation and Management of Preterm Labours ( Association with Hospital having NICU Facilities )
  • Thrombophilia & Pregnancy (Clotting Disorders)
  • Cervical Cerclage
  • Pre Pregnancy Counselling
Plan for your pregnancy with pre-pregnancy guidance from our expert. Find out what are the risk factors in your case and prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy. Benefit from the diverse experience of our international expert who is also one of the best gynecologists in Pune. Also, learn about the vaccinations and tests to be taken before pregnancy. Discuss your medical problems and receive support in making healthy choices for a comfortable pregnancy.
  • Delivery – Normal / Caesarean section / Painless Delivery / Forcep / Vacuum Delivery
As part of our maternity services, our gynecologist and obstetrician will provide complete support to help you make the right decision about your delivery. We offer delivery services such as counseling, prenatal care, and post-delivery care. There are various ways for childbirth to take place safely. Your doctor will help you to decide if natural childbirth/vaginal delivery is suitable in your case or other alternative methods of delivery would be a healthier choice. Medical assistance can be provided as required during delivery. Also, note that when you are in labour, your doctor may advise a suitable procedure as per your health condition at that time.
  • Management of High Risk Pregnancy
If you had a miscarriage earlier or are suffering from a health condition that can affect your pregnancy then your case can be a high risk pregnancy. You can discuss your concerns with our maternity specialist who will help you to plan your pregnancy accordingly. Manage your high-risk pregnancy with counseling and a systematic approach. To know more about high-risk pregnancies, Click Here
  • Bad Obstetrics History (BOH) (Recurrent Miscarriage / Preterm Labour / Previous stillbirth)
Sometimes, trying to get pregnant again may not be easy. Bad Obstetrics History consists of cases where mothers have faced multiple miscarriages or have given birth to a stillborn baby in their earlier pregnancy. Preterm birth also comes under BOH cases.Your gynecologist studies your history and based on your current health conditions gives you the appropriate advice to manage your anxiety during pregnancy. Through monitoring and counseling, your gynecologist helps you to take care of yourself for a smoother present pregnancy.
  • Management Twins / Triplet Pregnancy
If multiple eggs get fertilized in a mother’s body or if the fertilized eggs get divided into two or more embryos, then the pregnancy may involve twins, triplets or in rare cases, more than three babies. Two or more babies in pregnancy are considered high-risk pregnancies by medical experts. Additional prenatal check-ups are required for the mother in such cases. We assist pregnant mothers carrying multiple babies with the necessary advice on nutrition, check-ups, exercises and delivery information. Get the required medical and emotional support all through your pregnancy with twins, triplets or more babies. Book an appointment with our highly experienced gynecologist and pregnancy specialist.
  • Screening and confirmation of Chromosomal disorders in Pregnancy (Double marker / Triple marker / Quadruple Test / NIPT / Amniocentesis Tests)Through various screening tests such as Double Marker test, Triple Marker test, Quadruple test, NIPT, and Amniocentesis tests, you can understand if your baby may have chromosomal abnormalities. These tests predict the likelihood of a chromosomal abnormality.Getting a negative result doesn’t necessarily mean that your baby may not have the risk of such an abnormality but it means that the risk of such a condition is low.To learn more about a screening of chromosomal disorders during pregnancy, book an appointment with our gynecologist.
  • Asthma &Heart Diseases in Pregnancy
In case you are suffering from asthma or heart diseases, you need to manage your health extremely well for a normal pregnancy. If your asthma is not under control during pregnancy, your baby may not get the required oxygen and this may lead to complications. Proper asthma treatment is necessary for the good health of the mother and the foetus. Mothers with moderate or severe heart issues may have a high-risk pregnancy. Also, congenital heart risk in a mother can lead to some heart issue in the baby or may result in premature birth. Manage your asthma or heart condition by discussing your case with a respected OB-GYN Specialist.
  • Presentation and Management of Preterm Labours (Association with Hospital having NICU Facilities)
In pregnant women, preterm labour leads to the premature birth of the baby. If the cervix opens due to contractions between the 20th week and the 37th week, then preterm labour takes place. The sooner the premature birth occurs, the higher the risks of premature babies having long-term physical or mental disabilities. Premature babies require special care and are safely nurtured in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) as determined by the gynecologist. You may be at risk of preterm labour if you have a history of preterm labour in your earlier pregnancy. Identification of patient at risk, serial ultrasounds, cervical cerclage, and certain medications help to reduce the likelihood of preterm labour and minimizes the chances of NICU stay. We have partnered with reputed hospitals for advanced NICU facilities if required. Learn more about preterm labours and consult with your gynecologist for more information.
  • Cervical Cerclage
In some women, the cervix can be weak and can open soon in pregnancy. Cervix is present in the lower area of the uterus that opens to the vagina. If the cervix opens early then there can be a preterm birth or a miscarriage. To avoid such a situation, your gynecologist may advise a cervical cerclage.It is a procedure where sutures or a synthetic tape is used to reinforce the cervix and keep it closed. The procedure can be performed through the vagina or through the abdomen. This procedure is to be done only if a qualified gynecologist recommends it. Clear your doubts about cervical cerclage and its risks with a qualified and experienced gynaecologist.
  • Thrombophilia & Pregnancy (Clotting Disorders)
Thrombophilia is a health condition where abnormal blood clotting takes place leading to complications. During pregnancy, arterial thrombosis i.e. a blood clot in the artery can lead to problems in the placenta which can cause miscarriages or birth of a stillborn baby. Discuss your thrombophilia condition with your trusted gynecologist for increased chances of a successful delivery.

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Opening Hours

Monday – Saturday 10.00 – 01.30
06.00 – 09.00
Sunday Closed